Mentoring System
LENORA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Introduced MENTORING SYSTEM in 2008. During their years journey through the (Under Graduate, Post Graduate or Diploma) engineering programme students often need mentoring, guidance and counselling. Direct academic issues could be communicated to the student regularly. But career guidance, selection of technical courses, Project selection, subject doubts or fear of a subject/course need greater involvement of the mentor. Obviously, a student should have the same mentor all through the course of his study.
Mentoring System includes all courses in the LENORA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and all students.
The students will be greatly benefited by continuous expert guidance through Mentoring System. Each faculty will be the mentor of a group of 10 to 15 students. Faculties will continue to be mentors for the same group of students till their graduation.
Faculty Responsibilities
The mentor will perform the following duties.
Meet the group of students every second Saturday of that Month.
Continuously monitor, counsel, guide and motivate the students in all academic matters.
Advise students regarding choice of electives, project, summer training etc.
Contact parents/guardians if situation demands e.g. academic irregularities, negative behavioral changes and interpersonal relations, detrimental activities etc.
Advise students in their career development/professional guidance.
Keep contact with the students even after their graduation.
Intimate HOD and suggest if any administrative action is called for.
Maintain a detail progressive record of the student.
Maintain a brief but clear record of all discussions with students.
HOD Responsibilities
Meet all mentor of his/her department once a month to review proper implementation of the system.
Advice mentors wherever necessary.
Initiate administrative action on a student when necessary.
Keep the head of the institute informed.
Academic committee Responsibilities
LENORA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Academic Committee will discuss and mentoring related issues at least twice in a semester during its meetings and revise/upgrade the Mentoring System if necessary.